Exercise is important part of our life any time anywhere according to needed, basically exercise is good for health and also for mentally and physically fit. Exercise which keep our body safe from disease and make a physically fit. In our daily life exercise is most valuable and important fact which is an also part of body which is essential for our body. In other terms exercise is also called yoga, yoga is introduced by Indian origin. Every time we need some work for any task. If we still sitting ideally then our body muscles get tired and which is causes for many diseases. Many person who doing exercise get fit as compared to any normal person. Exercise is very important for any work and which make our body active for workout.

1. Firstly it make our active and make capable for doing work.
4. During exercise you no need to take other precaution.
5. You are protected from disease and many other viral which may causes of seek.
6. It also help to make body shape and obesity.
7. It balancing the daily intake of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins, and considers portion control as one of the most important keys to lose weight.
8. It control all over body alignment.
9. During exercise our body get oxygenated blood from breathing which is useful to our brain and all part of body.
10. It also control our brain and reduce stress and make feel good.
Exercise is important for all age of human being which deal with all part of body. Regular doing exercise our body free from dieses and many other things. So doing regular exercise your get fit till your life long. So make yourself body happy and glow as light which is attract for other person.