Wednesday, 26 November 2014

how to loose weight

Today Weight loose of body is worrying about many people in this world, if we don’t loose weight then our body alignment physically and mentally get disturb. Basically many person use weight formula for weight loose and this formula is not successful in many way so, but there are many way to loose weight that is - use ayurvedic dose  and do regular exercise. Person who have do regular exercise this  is a best way  of weight loose without any cost but there is also another option if you not capable to exercise due to your fat so notice points which mention in this article and make this habbit . when you trying to loose your weight then don’t eat oily food, junky food, fatty food ,eat that food which have minimum number  of weight and take lightly and green vegetable. During this process drink large amount of water as per required of body and walk morning in daily. More fat is not a any kind of sickness but  also type of disease which can affect our all part of body. In our body there is also one type of fat is present which can control our fat system a body, but access amount of weight make our body unfit and we have feeling tired during any work also make our body lazy.
 Here are some point for loosing weight. points indicated to loose weight:-  
1. Regularly morning walking
2. Do yoga and eat fresh fruits in morning.
3. Try to drink lightly hot water and honey     mixed without eating any food in morning.
4. Avoid Fatty food.
5. Take Light food and green vegetables.
6.      Bye Bye to bread and cheese

In human life weight and fat is a critical problem which make our body to increase fat and weight. When more fat is increase in our body then our muscles get want to rest and the fat which present in our body get more calories for increasing fat of body. Weight loose means that we control on fat and make our body in that condition which we work fine and capable to do anything which we want. In weight loose process normally body want to want to sleep but make body active which deny to sleep . So active in any condition and take minimum bed rest to relief from this problem. If you continue working in properly way then it is necessary that your body fat is Loose.
These are few step to loose weight in make habbit in daily routine:-

Step -1 Wakeup morning then take hot water and honey mixed. And then go for walking in morning.
Step -2 Do yoga when come at home. And take fresh fruits.
Step -3 then go for your work, try to manually work in your office and anywhere then take a light     food lunch.
Step -4 then again go for walking in evening. And when come at home then take light snakes.
Step -5 during dinner time take lightly food.
Given below are indicated points  weight loose:-

Point -1 sleep four to five hour in a day. If any person sleep more than five hour then weight of body increases instead of doing regular exercise
Point -2 appointment to doctor
If you can’t control your weight yourself then it is necessary to appointment with doctor one or two days. Doctor give your precaution and idea for controlling weight.

Point -3 Ayurvedic medicines
If doctor not help who person suffer from weight, then that person take ayurvedic medicines and avoid other medicines. And avoid fatty food, oily food, milky food, etc.

Point -4 Try to avoid spices food, which is causes of weight gain.  Rice is also increases fat which is contain more Castrol and fat.
So improving yourself you just maintain your time routine in your life.  

Saturday, 22 November 2014

Does Smoking release stress

This is most frequently ask question for who is smoking and who want to smoke. That is how smoking is reduce tension and how remove stress. Many researchers say that some time smoking is good for health and it relieve stress. Researchers search that, the fact about cigarette and tobacco is that it is good for sometimes but overdose it may affect our body. In our body some nicotine is found who help to control our mentality and physical behavior of human being. Smoking cigarette causes our lungs and affect all parts of body. But many times it give release to tension and stress. Due to present of nicotine in our body sometimes it work excellent that is when a person filling tired, stress, tension, and not interesting to their work. So they want to smoke and after smoke they fill good and their brain work fine due to benefits of nicotine.

Our brain is a controlling all over parts of body what happening in our body. Smoking diseases is present in body who smoke more and more, due to present of smoking diseases they want to know the ways to relieve stress and facts about smoking.  We all know that smoking is bad for health and not good for health but many times is give awesome result to our body. There are many fact about smoking so some smoking facts are:-

  • Smoking give good result when you are in stress and smoke  in limit.
  • When person smoke and do work then their concentration level and their thinking is high during working.
  • There are 55-65% smokers are men and 30% women present in world.
  • If you smoke out of limit then your body feel weakness your bone get  weak which is cause of sickness.
  • What happens when you quit smoking the facts about smoking is that when you stop smoking ,your body not working properly, you feeling irritating and sometime your brain and your body want to only smoke and only smoke.
These are few smoking facts which is happening with all smokers in this world.  The biological fact is that some amount of nicotine is present in our brain that is when person smoke then first time it give to body relief and fresh our mood, or our concentration level high and we feel well but medical doctor say that during first time in millisecond nicotine is responding well but after that it affect our brain and make habits to smoke.

Smoking have great advantage in many places but it many time it give bad result to our body. So ways to relieve stress , tension and tiredness is not smoking there is also is another way to reduced stress and tension. But in many field smoking is make a important role in our life. Smoking facts many depending on the person how they use and how they control over them on self to relieve stress. So smoke as limit as possible everything in this world has advantage and disadvantage.

Thursday, 20 November 2014

Care tips for dry skin in winter

In winter people always worry about drying skin, they have more option to do many thing but they still confusing? What can they do for that? Before coming winter our skin has normal but  due to summer and sweating which make skin and other part of body glow due to sweat out from skin and after coming winter person usually get lazy with work and they have minimum number to concentrate on their body . In our body skin is very sensitive to sense any things which happen in around us. In winter many part of our body get dry like skin, rough hair and dry lips and many more things. In winter our body temperature get down as normal temperature so blood cell don’t have sufficient way to move one place to another place in our body alignment. Due to this many part of body don’t get normal blood cell which causes of drying skin.
 Here are some tips for curing drying skin in winter
  •        I.            Take bath: - This is normal situation which mostly we human being avoid bathing during winter. So when we not take bath during winter our skin cell body get dead, which is causes of drying skin. So take bath it not compulsory whether it is cold or hot water. If you don’t want cold water then take normal hot water.
  •     II.            Sun light: - this is also an important term which make skin perfect and glow. Many time when we work in office either in home we forget to these normal things to take it. Sun light provide to our body vitamin-D which make our body skin and other diseases to cure.

  •  III.            Oil: - here is another facts about oil which provide moisture to skin. It make our skin cell active and glow and to protect from drying skin. Before go to bath apply oil (mustard either coconut oil) all over part of body then go to bath after that you feel good. Make this habit continuously before going to bath. This is protect from other skin bacteria and diseases.
  • IV.            Lotion cream: - cream is another most important tips to remove dry skin in winter which make skin glow and lightness. In winter many types of cream is available in market we confuse to choose which types of cream we prefer to apply on skin. Choose cream which contain integrated material (chandan and kapoor) with antiseptic cream.
  •   V.            Warm up body: - this is type of exercise which we do in the morning after get up from bed and in evening also. After wake up in the morning we must do little warm up for body fitness and to active muscles. This make to our get fresh update and make blood circulation perfect all over body part. Warm up to our body is very necessary in winter, which lead to make our mind and brain active and warm up and protect from drying skin and maintain our body temperature. it also cure from other types of diseases.
Above are the some tips for drying skin in winter . apply in your daily routine this may protect from drying skin and roughness hair. Also cure form chapped lips and cracked feet. Many person worry about crack feet so here are the solution for that people who worried about this.Take this tips and cure from drying skin and it also provide your body always glow as you want.

Sunday, 16 November 2014

How to quit smoking

Smoking is increases day by day in all over world. Most smokers are from usa, china, Africa, and many countries. In these day smoking is fashion for adult’s i.e in college students and youngsters. Government takes many steps to quit smoking, but it doesn’t stop it is just reverse and increases. Government run ads in movies for smoking and write a quote “smoking is injurious to health”. Many smoking company banned by government but it still running in all over states, their licenses date over but they run their industry. Many people want thought  that how to quit smoking cigarettes and tabacoo ,but they don’t know ways to stop smoking, here are few steps to quit smoking .those who want toquitting smoking read this step carefully that  how to stop smoking.


Some steps to quit smoking:-

Steps 1: Be confident and control over on mind
This is most important and most valuable point, which is help to control to quit smoking. If u want to quit smoking then u be confident and control on your mind, because if you control your mind  you can control over self. If you would not control your mind then be confident with your mind and say I don’t smoke.

Steps 2: Regular exercise
This is second steps which is also important, make your body fit and physically mentally for quit smoking, this step is basically for body and make your brain fresh which don’t think about any bad thing which is related to your smoking. Regular exercise give your body boosting and make your self-motivated

Step3: Avoid smoker’s friends
If you won,t control yourself to smoking then ,don’t make smokers friends who smoke with you. This is also is a part of quit smoking, because if your smoke then it obvious that you also want to smoke. So don’t make who smoking. Always try to give maximum time to your family ,which you always think about your family and it make it habbit then your mind does not go to smoking side .

Step4:  Don’t eat material which fell smoking
Always eat fresh food and fruits. Do not eat food and such thing which contain material like drugs and nicotine which is part of smoking. This make body and brain to feel smoky and you want to smoke. So avoid this type of food.

Step 5: Contact Doctor for quit smoking
This is last one is to stop smoking above all step is fail, then you should contact to doctor immediately. If you could not control to quit smoking then go to nearest doctor for their suggestion and treatment. Because doctor always give to you medicine and treatment for quit smoking.

So these are steps to quit smoking and what can do for that. In many medicals give you so many steps to quit smoking but these are steps which is very familiar and most important thing which happen in daily life of smokers. So avoid smoking and make your body cure and save your life and enjoy.