Today Weight loose of body is worrying about many people in this world, if we don’t loose weight then our body alignment physically and mentally get disturb. Basically many person use weight formula for weight loose and this formula is not successful in many way so, but there are many way to loose weight that is - use ayurvedic dose and do regular exercise. Person who have do regular exercise this is a best way of weight loose without any cost but there is also another option if you not capable to exercise due to your fat so notice points which mention in this article and make this habbit . when you trying to loose your weight then don’t eat oily food, junky food, fatty food ,eat that food which have minimum number of weight and take lightly and green vegetable. During this process drink large amount of water as per required of body and walk morning in daily. More fat is not a any kind of sickness but also type of disease which can affect our all part of body. In our body there is also one type of fat is present which can control our fat system a body, but access amount of weight make our body unfit and we have feeling tired during any work also make our body lazy.
Here are some point for loosing weight.
1. Regularly morning walking
2. Do yoga and eat fresh fruits in morning.
3. Try to drink lightly hot water and honey mixed without eating any food in morning.
4. Avoid Fatty food.
5. Take Light food and green vegetables.
6. Bye Bye to bread and cheese
In human life weight and fat is a critical problem which make our body to increase fat and weight. When more fat is increase in our body then our muscles get want to rest and the fat which present in our body get more calories for increasing fat of body. Weight loose means that we control on fat and make our body in that condition which we work fine and capable to do anything which we want. In weight loose process normally body want to want to sleep but make body active which deny to sleep . So active in any condition and take minimum bed rest to relief from this problem. If you continue working in properly way then it is necessary that your body fat is Loose.
These are few step to loose weight in make habbit in daily routine:-
Step -2 Do yoga when come at home. And take fresh fruits.
Step -3 then go for your work, try to manually work in your office and anywhere then take a light food lunch.
Step -4 then again go for walking in evening. And when come at home then take light snakes.
Step -5 during dinner time take lightly food.
Given below are indicated points weight loose:-
Point -1 sleep four to five hour in a day. If any person sleep more than five hour then weight of body increases instead of doing regular exercise
Point -2 appointment to doctor
If you can’t control your weight yourself then it is necessary to appointment with doctor one or two days. Doctor give your precaution and idea for controlling weight.
Point -3 Ayurvedic medicines
If doctor not help who person suffer from weight, then that person take ayurvedic medicines and avoid other medicines. And avoid fatty food, oily food, milky food, etc.
Point -4 Try to avoid spices food, which is causes of weight gain. Rice is also increases fat which is contain more Castrol and fat.
So improving yourself you just maintain your time routine in your life.